
Hello!  My name is Natalie aka Mrs. Janney.  My husband, Phil and I have been married for about 2 and a half years.

I started this blog shortly after we got married to chronicle some of our married shenanigans.  You see... funny things just happen to me.  Like ridiculous things that shouldn't happen to people... they happen to me. 

Like noticing this:

Or having strange conversations with people, including my husband.  Like the time I got yelled at by a strange woman in the hair salon.  Or when my husband made sure I knew I wasn't as bad as a grizzly bear.

Sometimes I post recipes

{That's a pillow cookie.  It's a brownie in a chocolate chip cookie.}

Sometimes I post my craft projects (like the baby blankets I make or the baby/bridal showers I have thrown). 

Often, I post about my nephews because they are HILARIOUS.

And I post about our dogs, Taylor and Cotton too.

Not all of our adventures are fun or funny.  Shortly after we got married, my husband's father was diagnosed with Liver Cancer.  His liver ruptured unexpectantly, which ironically most likely extended his life tremendously.  If dealing with a sick parent weren't enough, my husband is trying to finish his PhD in Toxicology and I am a part-owner of an engineering firm (during a struggling economy).

In an effort to bring some joy into our lives, we decided we wanted to try and start a family.  After trying for a while, we found out we were fertilly challenged.  Just as we were about to start moving forward with a fertility clinic (which I haven't really blogged about yet and have been meaning to do), we found out I was growing twins in my neck.  And by twins, I mean thyroid nodules.  While most nodules end up being nothing, this is me we are talking about so OF COURSE it ended up being thyroid cancer.

I made it through my thyroid cancer treatments and in early September of 2012, we found out we wouldn't be needing fertility treatments right now and are having a baby!  

Also... you can find me on Twitter at @MrsNJanney.  I haven't put that on my blog yet, so I have like 5 followers.  Basically, if you follow me, you'll pretty much make my day.


  1. Following. (:

    By the way, if you'd like, I could help you put the Twitter app/link/button/thingy-ma-jiggy on your blog. (: I'm no expert, but I could try.

    Happy Weekend!

  2. I just found you through Camp Patton! What struck me is your little map. I've got a similar one! I'm originally from Portland, Oregon but have lived in Spokane Washington for a long while. And now we are getting ready to move across the country to Pittsburgh.

    Cancer stinks. I hope you are doing well!

  3. Just found your blog through Holli Takes Notes! Loved your about page and can't wait to read more of your story!

    Your newest follower!!

  4. Just wanted to say hi! I found your blog through Lo's giveaway @ Our Crazy Ever After and am your newest follower :)

  5. just found you through Miss Jes. I'm already hooked on your story! can't wait to cyber-stalk you!
    xox Whitney

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. wooooow. loved this about me, hilarious and then so touching.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What kind of engineer are you? My BF is a structural engineer who does mostly blast consulting (ok, at least that is what my version of his job is!). Nice to find you from Across the Pond! I'm a sponsor there too :)

    Daliene from Happydally

  10. The picture of the dog riding on the motorcycle made me bust up!!! Haha :0 Congratulations on making it through cancer and still having a baby. I look forward to more form you!



Let's be friends. I hope your e-mail is attached to your profile! Then I can e-mail you back.

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