Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Virginia is for Lovers

At the end of September, we travelled back East to go to JMU's homecoming and spend some time with these guys:

+ Jimmy + Christie + Susan

We had such a great trip!!  It was too short and I am already looking forward to our next reunion with the Maryland Ave guys (Phil's roommates from undergrad).

Here are some pictures from our trip. (NOTE: I don't know why some of the pictures are rotated.  I can't figure it out.  Just tilt your head.)

This is JMU's stadium and marching band.  I think both are bigger than OSU's.  That is weird.  Apparently at JMU, people wait to leave at halftime until AFTER the marching band performs.  Totally the opposite at Oregon State.

Look how happy everyone looks.

This would make for an interesting day at the office:
 My mom told me that they are young engineers, much like myself.  I should have applied for this gig.  I can count cracks.

Jefferson Memorial

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial

FDR Memorial

I should have taken more pictures. 


  1. Cool pics!! I'm heading to DC in December (apparently I'm not afraid of frostbite). Any tips for someone visiting for the first time??

    Love the blog!

  2. DC is one of my favorite places to take photos! I cant wait for this weekend (hopefully my baby will let me walk and enjoy this wonderful city!)


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