To prepare for the radioactive iodine, I will have to go off my thyroid meds (insert whimpers here) and go on a special low-iodine diet for something crazy like 4 weeks. I'll probably grace you all with more specifics of the low-iodine diet when it gets closer, but basically when on the diet you are restricted to eating fresh fruits/vegetables and non-salted peanut butter. Turns out iodine is in practically everything.
So I was pretty excited when I saw this chart on pinterest the other day.
{Image found HERE}
It will be April and May when I am on the low-iodine diet. And according to this chart, the only produce that will be in season are cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, lettuce and rhubarb.
I can pretty much guarantee I won't be eating seasonably during my low-iodine diet. 4 weeks of peanut butter on cabbage? I don't think so.
Sorry Sustainable Table.
What a helpful post, I never knew this! Sorry that the veggies that fit for you during your low-iodine diet aren't that exciting...hmmm, peanut butter on cabbage! ;) Thanks for sharing this and Happy Leap Day! :)