Wednesday, October 24, 2012


We got in late last night (or technically this morning if we want to get into semantics) from Virginia.  By some miracle of miracles, I managed to make it to work by 8 o'clock this morning.  I fully anticipate a 7:30 pm bedtime tonight.  That is... after I get in some snuggle time with my pups.

I'll go into details tomorrow, but basically plans didn't work out the way we had hoped and Cotton didn't get to make the trip with us.

And I managed to only cry about it twice.

While I wasn't mentally prepared for the separation, maybe it was better this way.  I didn't have time to agonize about leaving him.  Maybe that was best.  But I sure did miss my little monster.

We will be reunited tonight after dinner and I can't wait!!  Although I am anticipating that he will be mad at me for leaving him.  No worries... we are stocked with plenty of treats.  He will be lousy with spoiling.  Like any man, the way to his heart is through his stummy (stomach + tummy = stummy, since he is still little).

So off of just about 5 hours of sleep, I am doing my best to cheerfully make it through the day.  I'm ready for some puppy snuggles.


  1. He's such a beautiful pup and I love the word stummy, so funny!

    Wishing you lots of puppy snuggles!

  2. Your dog is absolutely precious. I understand your need to snuggle that cute babe.

  3. Seriously that picture of him on the sofa next to his ribbons is freaking darling!

  4. My childhood friend used to say stummy, haha. I'm sad Cotton couldn't come with. What happened?

  5. I hope it didn't take too long for Cotton for forgive you, lol! :)


Let's be friends. I hope your e-mail is attached to your profile! Then I can e-mail you back.

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