Friday, October 19, 2012

I'm gonna be a writer

A couple of days ago, I read THIS post from Ashley at Calmly Chaotic.  She wrote about a website that challenges you to write a 50,000 word novel during the month of November.  I commented on Ashley's post, saying that I had always wanted to be a writer and that she should totally do this.

Ashley e-mailed me back and we basically decided we were going to do this together.  Keep each other motivated.  And I am SO EXCITED!!!

When I was little, I always wanted to be a writer.  I started writing a few books.  They pretty much all sucked and were variations of other stories I had read.  Nothing really creative or new.  I did get a few chapters into a book about a pioneer girl on the Oregon Trail.  It was probably the most original I ever got.  My grandma read it and told me it was REALLY good.  :)

Lately I have been having a hard time getting motivated to write blog posts, so writing approximately 1,667 words per day will prove to be a bit of a challenge.  However... I think I can do it.  I really WANT to do it.

I still don't have a killer idea (although I did have a pretty crazy dream last night that could serve as inspiration), but maybe getting the words flowing will help foster a decent idea.  Or who knows... maybe that really weird dream I had will turn into a good idea.

My goal is to just get through it with some kind of novel that has characters and a plot (I like to set the bar real high).

I think Ashley and I can do it.  :)

PS- This post contained 282 words and I think that included the smiley faces.  I've got LOTS of work to do.


  1. I have a lot of friends that do it and think it's great, though I am not one to ever do it haha Good luck!!

  2. I am so excited that we're both doing it. I also have no clear plot... I figure I will wing most of it... but I did download Scivener yesterday and started taking the tutorial (there's a free version for participants)...

  3. You can definitely do it! You go girl!!!

  4. This is an incredible goal! I hope you share some of the novel with us :-)


Let's be friends. I hope your e-mail is attached to your profile! Then I can e-mail you back.

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