Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Puppies are like babies

I'm still on a bit of a puppy high.  I have pictures of the puppy plastered almost everywhere I can.  My work computer screen.  My cubicle wall.  My phone wallpaper.  You may or not find me lovingly stroking my computer monitor in an effort to relive petting Cotton.

I am also contemplating going old-school and creating a paper chain to countdown the hours until we can bring him home.  And I would totally do it, if only I knew the exact details.  Phil sent out some e-mails for me yesterday to try and nail down some deets.  I would have sent out the e-mail myself, but it would have come out like this:


And since we don't want the breeders to think I am Mrs. Crazy-pants, Phil wrote the e-mail instead.

But I digress.  I did actually have a topic in mind for this post.  And that topic is... Why the crap are people such wet blankets?

Ever since we decided to get a puppy, people keep saying to me, "Puppies are so much work.  It's just like having a baby!  Why would you want to get a puppy?"

Ironically, all of those people have children.  Don't know what that tells you but we will leave it alone.

Did people not get the memo that I am infertile?  Or that my cancer was found because we were about to start fertility treatments?  Heck... if it had been up to me (to get pregnant, that is, which obviously it wasn't), I would have a 10 month old.  So obviously I am not afraid of a little responsibility.

You want to know if you are ready for responsibility?  Seriously think about whether or not you are willing to spend $15,000 to $20,000 just to maybe get pregnant.  If the answer is YES, then late night feedings isn't going to turn you away.

This is how desperate I am to nurture... I am excited to clean up dog pee and poop because it means I will have the puppy to cuddle with afterwards.  Wake up every 2 hours to let him outside?  SURE!!  When we are done, we can cuddle.  Wake up at 5:30 to walk the dogs before work?  What a great way to get in some exercise (for me and the dogs) while showing my pups some love.

And I showed a picture of the puppy to my uncle and his reply was, "Sure he's cute now.  But he's going to become a kid and then a teenager.  And he won't be so cute then."

Thanks a lot...  I love the support.  Is that what you told your son when he told you he and his girlfriend were having another baby?  I doubt it.  And he shouldn't!  You shouldn't criticize life decisions have already made.  It's not exactly supportive.

After 6 months of trying to have a baby with no luck, I told Phil that after a year of this I was either going to need a baby or a puppy.   After everything that has happened, a baby is likely off the table for another 2 years (a year after RAI plus time to adjust my medication plus regular ole pregnancy).  The idea of not having a baby for 2 years LITERALLY makes me want to curl into a ball on the floor and start crying.  Every day.

But then I look over at my pictures of Taylor and Cotton and I know it will be ok.  They will keep me wonderfully distracted for the next couple of years.  We will have so much fun together cuddling, walking, and cleaning up poop.  I can't wait.  They are my babies for the time being and I'm not afraid of a little more responsibility.


  1. Aw this is the cutest puppy ever!

  2. Awww Cotton is adorable!! Time will fly!!

  3. I think the only concern that I have- as a Dog mom, is to make sure your pets continue to be a priority for you even AFTER baby. You got the dog(s) for a reason, so they should not and do not go on the back burner just because a 2 legged baby is in the home. No I'm not a parent- only a Fur-parent, and it upsets me when people get pets to hold them over until they have kids and then their original kids the pets hardly exist in their lives! Heart breaking if you ask me.

    1. Don't worry Anonymous... that won't happen. Phil and I want our kids to grow up with dogs as a part of the family. I think dogs are a great way for kids to learn to nuture and care for something, plus teach them responsibility. And going on walks will just include a stroller once we have a baby.

    2. Good to know! I never thought you'd be one to neglect- just something I've just witnessed and it's hard to watch. I know animals can adjust but it's just sad- why should they be neglected?! I have more of a nurturing side to dogs than babies as horrible as that may sound, but my dog will always be #1 baby or no baby. My pup is my first baby and always will be. People thing I'll "change" and realize how off my thinking is but I LOVE MY DOGGGGGG!!!!! lol. He will sleep in my bed always! If hubs has baby i'll have the pup thats just the way I plan on doing things...double strollers ;) Ok maybe too far, but my dog will be in the little basket under the stroller if we are going out and about. He has been there through thick and thin for me and he is my best friend! P.S. I would have written the same email to the breeder! Congrats on your newest addition! LOVE THE NAME/ REASONING! :)

    3. Also I was NOT trying to be another wet-blanket towards you. Just had to "vent" Sorry if it came across that way!

  4. Dear Anonymous,

    No need to worry. Mrs. Janney has a HUMONGOUS heart and has enough room and love to go around! She is one of the best friends, wives, and overall human beings I have the pleasure of knowing and adoring!! Cotton is one lucky puppy!!

    1. You are too sweet Rikkie! Don't make me cry at my computer screen! :)

  5. I was a pet mom first and had our dog for years and then became a mom to a human. I hate to say it but yes my dog got pushed down the list. Babies are A LOT of work and the times I used to snuggle on the couch with my dog turned into the times I was holding my son breastfeeding. The do was no longer able to sleep in the bed because our son was. The pets are always a part of the home and my son LOVES our dog and our dog loves our son but when you have actual children who are crying cause they need you and are much more dependent then yes the dogs aren't your first priority
    anymore. I also have to say that the wait and struggle
    we had with having a baby also made the hardships not seem so bad, we got asked aren't you exhausted or isn't it tough and we were like no it's great and we really felt that way!

  6. Good for you! Don't let anyone make you feel bad about it. It is such a fun time and you should enjoy every minute of it. I have been telling people when our puppy is going to be BORN. (June 29th to be exact). Like a crazy person. Like I'm carrying the puppies myself or something. I just can't help it. SO I know exactly how you feel. We have also been getting a lot of crap about people thinking its wrong or heartless that we are BUYING a puppy instead of going to get one of the sad, homeless puppies/dogs at a shelter. I will make sure to act like a b**** when they have a baby, on their own, instead of adopting one from Africa. So rude and out of turn to say something like that.

  7. You tell 'em girl. You deserve to be happy. Whatever that is... puppies, chocolate, margaritas, trashy tv... you deserve it.

  8. What an adorable puppy!!! Don't ever let anyone make you feel bad about having/wanting a puppy. Puppies are work, but they are soooo worth it!

  9. It's always surprising what people say, and I think this is a great post maybe it will make people think twice about how they say stuff. Puppies are the best. Yes they are a little work but what isn't in life. Puppies are so precious and fun that it doesn't feel like work. Hope Cotton arrives soon and look forward to reading all about him!

  10. I think you getting a puppy is a GREAT idea. YES puppies are a lot of work, but I have to say our puppy was the first for my husband and I to raise together and it was AWESOME practice for having a baby. Seriously. Better now too because by the time your little one is able to come into the world your pup will be well trained and ready to be a big brother.
    I understand people being upset when pets take the back burner but in my opinion you will just be bringing another little person into the world who will love and help care for them in the long run. Our dog Spyro still is and will always be my baby, my first born. He was 2 when our Oliver was born and Spyro was amazing when Oliver came into the world. And how is it any different from having more than one child? You inevitably have to learn to spread your time out.
    Spyro continues to be my snuggle buddy and he also snuggles with the boys. I also conrtibute a lot of my kids love of animals to him.
    I am so excited for you to get your puppy! It is obvious that you will be an incredible Mama. Don't let people get you down! They just don't understand!

  11. I think you getting a puppy is a GREAT idea. YES puppies are a lot of work, but I have to say our puppy was the first for my husband and I to raise together and it was AWESOME practice for having a baby. Seriously. Better now too because by the time your little one is able to come into the world your pup will be well trained and ready to be a big brother.
    I understand people being upset when pets take the back burner but in my opinion you will just be bringing another little person into the world who will love and help care for them in the long run. Our dog Spyro still is and will always be my baby, my first born. He was 2 when our Oliver was born and Spyro was amazing when Oliver came into the world. And how is it any different from having more than one child? You inevitably have to learn to spread your time out.
    Spyro continues to be my snuggle buddy and he also snuggles with the boys. I also conrtibute a lot of my kids love of animals to him.
    I am so excited for you to get your puppy! It is obvious that you will be an incredible Mama. Don't let people get you down! They just don't understand!

  12. The picture of you and Cotton together warms my heart. Also, in the email you would have sent, I read it as you wanted pictures of Cotton's poop. I'm glad you had Phil write the email to the breeder =).

    It seems like forever now, but Cotton's almost home! And then it will totally be worth all of the waiting.

  13. Cutest thing ever, Im so happy for you!! :) people say the stupidest things.. Just ignore them. They have nothing better to do than be hateful, and that's really sad. Just be the better person :)

  14. You and that baby puppy... ADORABLE. Ohmygod, he's just precious. Excited for you!

  15. Now I want a puppy! LOL Cotton is so sweet :) Is this the proper time to say congratulations? I mean it is kind of like having a kid...

  16. I can't stand it when people crap on other people's parade. Congrats on your new puppy!!!


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