Thursday, January 19, 2012

Early Birthday Present

My birthday is less than a week after my next surgery.  So my mom decided she wanted to give me one of my birthday gifts early.  Like a month early.  :)

{If you are wondering why things aren't centered on the rug, it is because the area rug is strategically placed to cover some nasty looking stains}

My new area rug!!  We bought one from Target right after our wedding and we LOVED it, but it was really hard to keep clean (READ: Dog Hair) because it was a shag rug.  We did our best to keep the dog off of it, but that was kind of unrealistic and never worked.  We were constantly telling her to get off the rug.  This rug will be so much easier to keep clean and the dog can lay on it all she wants.

Of course now that she can, she won't.  Apparently the training stuck.

Just kidding.

1 comment:

Let's be friends. I hope your e-mail is attached to your profile! Then I can e-mail you back.

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