Monday, August 13, 2012

May the odds...

Another glorious weekend has passed.  It was filled with friends, family, and productivity.  I took no pictures.  Sad.

Friday night, Phil and I went to see The Hunger Games again.  We went to a little theater pub in town.  They show movies right before they come out for $3 per person.  They also serve beer and wine and food.  The food is actually pretty good.  I, of course, didn't get to have any since my diet has begun.  But I did enjoy a nice glass of Willamette Valley Vineyard's Oregon Blossom.  That wine is superb.  We toasted to Miguel.  Long story.

Phil and I had already seen the movie, but I really wanted to go again.  I think it is one of the best book to movie adaptions I have seen in a long time.  A few things did strike me this time when we were watching the movie (plus not none of these have anything to do with the movie):

-  The last time we saw the movie, I had just started my diet as well.  Why does it work out this way?  Does this have any implications for if I purchase the movie?  Or perhaps the pattern only applies to seeing it in the theater.  Of course I logically realize that this movie has nothing to do with my diet at all and that it is a little on the cuckoo side to draw a connection between the two.  Lots of logic over here.

-  Why am I seeing a movie about hunger when I am OH SO HUNGRY?  The first couple of days of the diet seem to be the worst.  Then things start to click and it gets easier.  But Friday night was the second full day and I was famished.  I bet Katniss has more than 5 ounces of meat a day.

-  The phrase "May the odds be ever in your favor" kind of bothers me now that I have cancer.  I don't know.  Something about how statistically, I should definitely be fine... I don't know.

-  Then realizing that it is important to remember that even when the odds aren't in your favor and things seem impossible, they aren't.  You have to fight.  Be smart and keep your head in the game.

{poster was sold by THIS SHOP, but is no longer available}

It was a lot to think about.  Don't even get me started on the political symbols I think are apparent in The Hunger Games trilogy...  I could go on and on.

Maybe this post was a little heavy for a Monday.

I'm looking forward to November 2013 when the next movie comes out.  :)


  1. Ive seen the hunger games twice too. We must fight on is right :) I took a few different messages from the movie, but I think that definitely sums the overall theme. Good for you continuing your diet. I laughed at the thought of you being hungry and seeing the HUNGER. games.

  2. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I've read all the books. It comes out on iTunes next week or something so I will download it to my AppleTV then. I can't wait to watch it.

  3. so, should I give these Hunger Games a chance? For some reason, I am so frightened of them.

    Those $3 movie pubs are my Favorite!

  4. Uhh! I just finished the books over my vacation and want to make my way to Northern Lights this week and see it!! I'm already stoked for the 2nd movie and I haven't even seen the 1st yet! :)

  5. I just finished the books and am waiting for the movie to come out! And 2013?! That's so far away!


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